Welcome to the Davis Family Blog! We are active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). We hope you enjoy learning more about our family. We love our six children, wonderful daughter-in-law, and two grandsons. We are a musical family, and love the outdoors.
Isaac age 2 and Emrie 3 month. Help us pick a good name for this pick, maybe Diaper Dandies is the best, or Ebony and Ivory, or the Large and the Small, there has to be a great name!
Here are some recent pictures of our three youngest. Christopher turned 11 on January 9 and, like usual, got art stuff and some medieval toys. He is truly a history buff in progress. If he keeps it up maybe he will illustrate his own history book. Emrie is now 3 months and doing super well, showing lots of personality, and best of all sleeping through the night. Isaac loves to do many things, but none more than riding horsie on daddy's back. We gave Emrie a turn on Isaac, and I we are pretty sure someday Isaac will be the biggest horse in the family!